Guild Wars 2 Make Gold: Trading Post Flipping Ultimate Guide

Trading Post Flipping is a highly effective method of making gold in Guild Wars 2. It offers the potential for significant earnings with relatively low effort once you gain some experience. In this guide, We will provide a breakdown of flipping, discuss its advantages and disadvantages, explain what you need to get started, walk you through the process, and provide strategies and considerations for optimal results.

What is TP Flipping?

Trading post flipping involves purchasing items at a lower price and then selling them at a higher price, resulting in a profit. The concept is simple, but mastering the practice requires skill and knowledge.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Flipping

Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of trading post flipping:


  • Scalability: Trading post flipping offers high scalability, meaning your potential gw2 gold earnings increase as you invest more gold and time into it. At the high end, it can generate a higher effective profit per hour compared to most other gold-making methods.
  • Clean Method: Flipping involves buying and selling items for raw gold, eliminating the need to handle crafting materials. This saves time and bypasses the inventory management process.
  • Flexibility: You can choose to engage in flipping as much or as little as you like. It can be done while actively playing or in between other activities.


  • Potential Boredom: Engaging solely in trading post flipping can become monotonous and boring over time.
  • Skill Development: Flipping requires practice to become proficient, and you may not earn a high effective gold per hour when starting out.
  • Initial Investment: To begin flipping, you need a starting capital, and there is a possibility of losing some of that investment. However, you will always retain your entire investment if done correctly. It is advisable to set aside a specific amount of gold for flipping purposes.

How Much Gold Do I Need?

The amount of gold needed to start flipping is a common question for beginners. Surprisingly, you only need a few gold to try it out. While the profit may be limited with a small capital, the process remains the same regardless of whether you have two gold or twenty thousand gold. To make decent gold and use flipping as a passive income method, starting with around 100 gold is a good amount.

If your goal is to generate gold faster than farming, you may need a larger investment. Nevertheless, don’t let your initial gold holdings deter you from trying out flipping. You can gain experience and expand your capabilities over time while accumulating more gold.

Finding Items to Flip

The first step to flipping is finding items that have a good cost-risk-margin ratio. The cost is the amount of gold you’re willing to spend on an item. The risk refers to the likelihood of the item losing value or getting stuck on the trading post. The margin is the profit you make after selling the item minus what you paid for it. A good margin is at least 10% of the selling price on the trading post.

To find items to flip, you can use websites like, which lists items and their profit margins. Look for items that have a good margin, a low risk, and a cost that fits your GW 2 budget. Keep in mind that high-margin items often come with higher risk, and high-cost items tend to have slower turnover rates.

Buying the Items

Once you’ve found an item to flip, place a buy order for it on the trading post. You can either match the prices of the current orders or place your order one copper higher so it fills before everyone else’s. Monitor your orders closely and update them frequently to maintain the top bid. You can flip while you’re waiting for other game activities like meta events or dungeon runs.

Selling the Items

When your order is filled, list the items for sale on the trading post. Remember that the trading post imposes a 5% fee for listing items and a 10% fee when they sell, so factor those fees into your selling price. Aim for a price that’s higher than what you paid for the item and includes the trading post fees. If the price is too high, the item may sell slowly, so finding a balance is important.

Additional Strategies

To enhance your flipping results, consider employing the following strategies:

Extending the Timeline:

  • Consider flipping over a longer timeline, especially for items with fluctuating prices over a week.
  • Invest in items released in batches or associated with limited-time events and seasonal price fluctuations.
  • Be prepared to set aside gold and allocate inventory space for items held over longer periods.

Refining or Crafting:

  • Explore refining or crafting materials to increase profit margins.
  • Some items may not be profitable to flip individually but can yield profits when refined or crafted into higher-tier materials.

Player-to-Player Trading:

  • Utilize player-to-player trading to increase profit margins or avoid the risk of items getting stuck on the trading post.
  • While not applicable to most flipping items, it can be effective for certain items.

Developing Lists:

  • Create lists of items you have had success flipping.
  • Organize the list by item cost or update frequency for easier reference.
  • This helps identify items with potential margins and streamlines the flipping process.

While trading post flipping may not suit everyone’s play style, Guild Wars 2 offers a variety of alternative gold-making methods to explore. Whether you choose to engage in flipping or other methods, it’s important to find an approach that aligns with your preferences and goals.


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