FFXIV Healer: Why did players start questioning it?

Recently, a remarkable achievement was made in Final Fantasy XIV, where a group successfully cleared the toughest raid boss, known as “The Ultimate,” without the assistance of a dedicated healer. This accomplishment has sparked discussions and raised several important points within the community. While this feat showcases the skill and ingenuity of the players involved, it also draws attention to potential flaws in FFXIV the design philosophy and prompts questions about the role of healers in FFXIV. In this article, we will delve deeper into the implications of this achievement and explore what it means for the future of healers.

The Significance of the Achievement

It is crucial to acknowledge that clearing content without a healer is an extraordinary accomplishment achieved by only a fraction of the player base. This achievement should not be seen as a prediction that healers will become obsolete in all future content.

The group that cleared this challenging raid boss without a healer represents the pinnacle of skill and coordination. Players attempting this feat should be aware that it requires exceptional teamwork, strategy, and execution.

Use of Paladins’ Cover

To achieve this feat, the group utilized a strategy involving the Paladin’s ability, Cover, which allowed for damage mitigation and clever resurrection tactics. While the use of Cover in this manner may seem humorous due to its limited application in recent patches, it is important to note that game developers may consider revisiting or removing such abilities after seeing their unconventional use in high-end content.

The Design Philosophy and Flaws

The achievement highlights an underlying flaw in the design philosophy of healers in FFXIV. The game heavily emphasizes damage-dealing abilities and optimization, often relegating healing to a secondary role. Skilled healers are encouraged to minimize the number of heals they cast, focusing instead on maintaining a balance between damage and healing.

This approach is reflected in the early game content as well, where players are encouraged to prioritize damaging abilities over healing spells. While this philosophy has been in place for some time, the recent accomplishment brings renewed attention to the need for a reassessment of healer mechanics and overall design.

A Balancing Act

The essence of healing in FFXIV lies in finding the delicate balance between minimal casting, maximizing off-global cooldowns, and strategically employing hard-cast heals only when necessary. Healers strive to minimize overhealing and rely on their toolkit of abilities to manage incoming damage effectively.

However, the difficulty lies in ensuring that this style of play remains engaging and rewarding while also addressing the concerns of healers feeling undervalued or inconsequential in certain encounters.

The Future of Healing

The accomplishment of clearing a raid boss without a healer should not raise alarm bells for players who enjoy playing healers or rely on their support in group content. It serves as a catalyst for discussions about potential improvements to healer mechanics and gameplay.

The game’s developers may need to reevaluate boss designs, damage distribution, and how healing fits into the overall gameplay loop. Any significant changes to healer roles would likely impact tanking mechanics as well, initiating a ripple effect throughout the game’s systems

While the recent achievement of clearing a challenging raid boss without a dedicated healer in FFXIV is an impressive feat, it should not cause concern for the majority of players who value the healer role. This accomplishment shines a light on the need for a thorough examination of healer mechanics and design philosophy. By addressing these concerns, Square Enix can ensure that healers have a meaningful and engaging role in FFXIV, balancing the need for damage-dealing and support abilities to provide satisfying gameplay.


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