Best Practises for Healthy Teeth

There’s more to taking care of your teeth than just brushing twice a day, using your mouthwash, and going on with your day. Your oral hygiene can have a huge impact on your general and overall health as things like gum disease have been linked to multiple health issues like diabetes, strokes, and heart disease.

Of course, if you need professional advice then you should contact a professional. For instance, if you live in Cardiff then google ‘Dentist in Cardiff’ to find local help.

But by following these simple steps, you can improve your dental hygiene, giving you cause to smile.

Sometimes It’s Best to Wait Before You Brush

If you’re in the habit of starting your day off with a glass of orange or apple juice, then it’s best if you hold off of brushing for a while after drinking it.

Acidic food and drink will temporarily soften the enamel of your teeth, which means if you brush

straight after consumption then you could remove some of the enamel which is important to your teeth. This will make your teeth more prone to decay. So, it’s best to wait between 30 to 60 minutes before you brush, this will reduce wear to your teeth.

Brush Before Breakfast, Rinse After

If you brush after you eat breakfast, then you risk brushing the sugars and acids from the food into

your enamel. If you brush your teeth before breakfast the fluoride in your toothpaste is protecting your teeth against the food you eat.

If you want to clean your mouth after your breakfast, then your best option is actually rinsing your

mouth with a glass of water. This will wash away anything that will make your teeth feel dirty over the course of the day.

Don’t Go to Bed Without Brushing Your Teeth

Everyone knows that it’s recommended you brush your teeth at least twice a day. But many still don’t 

brush their teeth at night before they go to bed.

Brushing your teeth before bed is important because it gets rid of the germs and plaque that have

built up around your teeth throughout your day, which you won’t want to sit in

your mouth all night while you sleep. This will also help reduce bad morning breath.

Electric, Not Manual

Electric toothbrushes are far more effective when brushing your teeth as the brush strokes per minute

are far higher than a regular toothbrush. A regular toothbrush has around 400 strokes per minute, where an electric toothbrush has around 31,000 brush strokes per minute. The higher the brush strokes, the more effective.

People with manual toothbrushes tend to brush harder than necessary which can cause permanent

damage to your gums. But when brushing with an electric toothbrush you just have to hold it gently to your teeth and let the brush do the rest of the work.

The only thing you have to make sure you remember to do is replace the head of the toothbrush every three months.

Treat Flossing as Important as Brushing

A lot of people neglect to floss their teeth after brushing, not knowing that flossing is actually very important to your oral hygiene. Not only does it get rid of any food stuck in your teeth, but it stimulates your gums. This helps to reduce plaque and lowers inflammation around your teeth.

Make Your Mouthwash Count

A lot of people don’t know that it’s best to use mouthwash at a separate time to brushing, as using it straight after will just wash away the fluoride boost from your toothpaste.

It’s best to use mouthwash as a freshening tool throughout the day, if you keep a travel sized

bottle in your bag, you can use it when you feel like you need to freshen your teeth and breath.

Drink More Water

Having a dry mouth actually creates a breeding ground for any bacteria that’s hanging around in your mouth. Drinking more water will increase your saliva production which helps your mouth keep the right pH level.

Drink water after every time you eat, this will also wash out any negative effects that acidic food and drinks will have on your teeth in between brushes.

See Your Dentist At least Twice a Year

Following all of the above are crucial steps to improving your oral health. But even for people who

keep on top of brushing, flossing and mouthwash still need to see a dentist on a regular basis.

At minimum, you should see your dentist for check-ups twice a year. Not only will they clean your

teeth if you’ve missed anything, but they can spot any potential issues with your teeth before they get worse. Here’s How to Watch Avatar 2 Full Movie Online.

Adil Husnain

Adil Husnain is a well-known name in the blogging and SEO industry. He is known for his extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, and has helped numerous businesses and individuals to improve their online visibility and traffic. He writes on business, technology, finance, marketing, and cryptocurrency related trends. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and helping others to grow their online businesses.